Our Team at Seaton Hall

Seaton Hall has a compliment of full and part time staff who are dedicated to providing the best level of service to each resident. In addition to the managers, we traditionally have over twenty five members of staff employed by the home, all (other than first time trainees), have experience of the caring profession.


We are an Equal Opportunities Employer and as such we regard respect to, and fair treatment of employees from their initial enquiry, right through to the date that they leave, as paramount in our working relationship.


There are no barriers to improvement and as such, carers who routinely discharge their duties whilst promoting equality, diversity and human rights with overall consideration of the residents and their families or representatives, will advance.


All new employees go through a detailed induction process where as far as their interaction with residents is concerned, amongst many other academic and practical skills they will learn how to:


a) Protect/respect the rights of residents and promote their interests,

b) Establish and maintain trust and residents' confidence,

c) Promote independence, while protecting residents from harm,

d) Uphold public trust and confidence in care

e) Be accountable for the quality of their work

f) Take responsibility for maintaining and improving their knowledge


Their training continues throughout their employment, and in addition to many other courses of tuition, they either become trained in, or work with a Senior Carer trained in: -

Basic Life Support - Health and Safety - Moving & Positioning - Fire Safety - Fluids & Nutrition - Risk Assessments - Infection Control- Care Planning - Spirituality - Foot Care - Dementia Awareness - Falls Prevention - Medication Administration - Mental Capacity - Safeguarding - Deprivation of Liberty, plus other courses of individual carers choice.


The objective being for each member of staff to be able to perform at the best of their individual abilities.

Meet some of the less bashfull members of our team


Seaton Hall Residential Home
10 The Green

Seaton Carew


TS25 1AS


Any questions?

Please call our Manager for further information about our care options:


Mrs. Wendy Dick

Tel:  01429 260095

Fax: 01429 263318

E-Mail: seatonhall@yahoo.co.uk


Alternatively, you can use our contact form.


Coastal Location

Being on the Sea Front, we are able to enjoy the calming influence of the North Sea, completely unobstructed from within our Lounge area.

Indeed, we also have rooms available that provide miles of North Sea View.


General Information

In addition to the long established, high quality Residential Care currently available, we also provide care and accomodation for the Elderly Mentally Infirmed (EMI) in particular, for anyone living with dementia.



Music Evenings

We often invite entertainers and musicians to our home, details can be found in our News section.


Friends and family are very welcome to all of our events.

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